Supply Chain logistics is a well-choreographed dance with all moving parts working so harmoniously in sync that when one piece of the dance is off, everything to follow falls like dominoes.
This domino effect in conjunction with the extended state of global upheaval cause by the COVID-19 pandemic has created a new status quo of increased prices and longer wait times affecting not just the logistics industries, but manufacturers, traders and retailers and can be felt by the end consumers in all markets.
Wait times for vessels to be unloaded at the ports are around two weeks (versus 4-5 day average prior to COVID-19).
Cargo containers are then loaded onto chassis and taken inland by truck to their final destination.
Trucking time has double or tripled in all markets since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
Empty cargo containers then make their way back to the ports by chassis.
Return times on empty containers back to ports is up to over a week compared to 2-3 days prior to COVID-19.
The empty cargo containers are loaded onto cargo ships for transport back to the export country at the ports.
The amount of shipping vessels checking in at ports was down 8% in the height of global lock down and has yet to bounce back to average numbers.